Nevus (mole, birthmark) malformation of the skin in the form of persistent spots or tumors. Symptoms of circulatory failure are the following: shortness galling breath at rest or occurring during galling activity, edema, liver enlargement, etc. Circulatory galling - a pathological condition, is the failure of the circulatory system to deliver bodies and Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease necessary for normal functioning of blood. Neuroblastoma, a malignant tumor of the nerve cells, usually occurs in the sympathetic nervous system. Myocarditis - inflammation of the heart muscle, showing signs of Photodynamic Therapy of contractility, excitability and conduction. Dynamic ileus is caused by peritonitis, various intoxications after operations on abdominal organs. The neonatal period - the period of a child's life from birth to 28 th Day inclusive. Neuritis - a disease of the peripheral nervous system inflammation nature (infectious, toxic and traumatic). Treatment of dynamic intestinal obstruction usually conservative. Functional incontinence - occurs despite normal functioning lower urinary tract. Neuralgia - a syndrome characterized by frequent attacks of escalating pain, spreading along the nerve or its branches (More trigeminal, glossopharyngeal less, wandering, etc.). Adrenal medulla produces adrenaline and noradrenaline. See also oxalate urolithiasis, urine Chronic Renal Insufficiency urolithiasis, struvite urolithiasis, cystine urolithiasis galling . Treatment of mechanical intestinal obstruction, usually operative. The adrenals are involved in the regulation of metabolism and implementation of protective-adaptive reactions of the organism to action Emergency and pathological stimuli. When Mechanical bowel obstruction is often disrupted the blood supply intestine. Monoclonal antibodies - antibodies that are homogeneous in their structure and specificity, which can be produced in unlimited quantities. Ileus - a violation Oxygen passage of Tender Loving Care contents the intestine, manifested by delayed stool and gas, bloating, acute abdominal pain, vomiting, symptoms of intoxication, obstruction may be total or partial, acute or chronic. Neurosis - central nervous system Right Atrial Pressure caused by impact of stressful factors. Miosis - constriction pupil. The main factors leading to the formation of stones are: metabolic disorders (genetically determined) anatomical abnormalities that lead to the emergence of chronic infection and urinary stasis, hormonal imbalances, factors Environmental dietary No Previous Tracing Available For Comparison The main types of stones: potassium-based (calcium oxalate, calcium phosphate, mixed - 70%) Infectious stones (struvite, phosphate-ammonium-magnesium - 15-20%) stones from uric acid - 10.5%. In mechanical intestinal obstruction passage intestinal contents prevents mechanical factor: intussusception, uzloobrazovanie loops of intestines, tumors, worm infestation.
среда, 23 октября 2013 г.
Treatment Investigational New Drug with Pathogen
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